Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ruby Installation

Ruby is a cross platform, interpreted and object-oriented language. You need to install Ruby, on any platform on which you wish, to be able to develop or run the existing Ruby programs. It can be easily installed on Windows, Mac OS and Linux/Unix.

Installing the Ruby is very simple and I would guide you through installation on Windows as a platform by using the Ruby Installer for Windows. It gives you everything you need to set up a full Ruby development environment on Windows. If you are having Mac or Linux platform or if you are interested to know about other ways to download the Ruby on your machine, I would suggest a read on Ruby Installation on its official site: Installation Link.

1. Download and Install:

     Download the latest version of Ruby 2.1.3 or you may also download the currently most stable Ruby 1.9.3. Once it is downloaded, double-click the installer to start the installation. Select language and agree to the terms; and then check the boxes as shown in the figure:

Select the check box to set the System Environment Variable Path to the bin folder of Ruby and associate .rb and .rbw files.
Click Install.

2. Ruby on Start Menu:

     Ruby is installed on your machine and can be seen in the Start Menu. It has different entries: Interactive Ruby, which is IRB in a standard command line window; RubyGems Documentation Server, which starts the web server and run the gem command to install the gems on your server; Start Command Prompt with Ruby, which start ruby in command prompt if environment variable is not set for ruby yet; and Documentation, which contains the Ruby API documentation.

3. Install an Editor:

     Install any editor to write the Ruby programs as Ruby installer does not come with an editor or IDE. You can write in Notepad, but it is boring and dull to write in there. So, editor that can be considered includes Notepad++, Programmers' notepad, Sublime text or Scite among others.

This is what all needs to be done to install Ruby. You can start learning Ruby from tutorials online and create your own programs.

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